Assorted ramblings and rumblings for those jaded by the past, humored by the present and horrified of the future. I do games PR.
Published on October 6, 2005 By EvolveTom In Console Games
So the Xbox 360 had a great showing at X05 and it certainly couldn't have come at a better time. We're a month from the launch and we're finally getting a good idea of what to expect from the next generation of gaming consoles. Condemned looks fantastic; it just might be the follow-up to Manhunt I've been waiting for. Dead Rising has a very Dawn of the Dead feel to it, which should be a pleasant change from standard survival horror fare... I'm sick of walking around dark mental hospitals--why can't zombies attack me in daylight? Well, now they can... beware of the UV rays, fellas.

My favorite write-ups so far have come from Shacknews (here and here) ... Maarten kept it to the point and offered some very objective looks at the games on display. He got me psyched for Perfect Dark Zero... nuff said!

Mass Effect has people excited and with good reason. The trailer looked good... not much in the way of plot or gameplay details, but the visuals are stellar... If the team at BW can pull through on their promises, ME should be one of the best games of next year (or 07, I guess, depending on when they release it).

Well, back to work.

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