Assorted ramblings and rumblings for those jaded by the past, humored by the present and horrified of the future. I do games PR.
EvolveTom's Articles In Gaming
October 14, 2005 by EvolveTom
Original story: Click here to open in a new window So it seems that Electronic Arts and legendary director Steven Spielberg have teamed up to work on a trifecta of games... Great business move for EA and Spielberg gets to dip his hands into another game, but that's not really the biggest story here--at least not from my point of view. The real story that everyone should be taking note of is that this deal means three NEW games based on NEW properties will actually make an appearance in E...
October 12, 2005 by EvolveTom
Click here to go to the auction Cooooool. I don't expect to sell it, but hey, this eBay thing is interesting. I'm sure this online auction will get big some day!